Catholic Chaplaincy is a place for you to explore your faith as a young adult, to meet other young people with similar interests from a great range of backgrounds, and to get involved in activities and social outreach.
Our administrative centre is at Newman House, 111 Gower Street, London WC1E 6AR. And for the academic year 2021-22 the chaplaincy is once again open to students and staff of London’s universities and colleges. There will be dedicated Masses and events for students, together with remote groups. Most of the London colleges also have their own dedicated Catholic Chaplain and student Catholic Society. You can find your college on the menu above.

If you already have a strong faith, this is a chance to deepen it. If you are full of questions and doubts, this is a chance to share them and search for some honest answers about life and faith. Everyone is welcome. Don’t be shy. We hope to meet you at Mass or in one of the remote groups, or do get in touch with your college chaplain directly.

A Welcome Note From the Senior Chaplain
(copied from the Newman House Handbook):

On behalf of the whole chaplaincy team I would like to give a very warm welcome to everyone involved in the life of the chaplaincy. We hope that this will be a year of blessing for you as you take up or continue your studies.
The Catholic chaplaincy is a home for all Catholics who belong to the Universities and other Higher Education Institutions in the Diocese of Westminster, and for all those who are seeking to grow closer to Christ and his Church. It is a place where faith is deepened and friendships are formed, so that we can witness to our faith through lives of love, joy, generosity, service and a commitment to evangelisation.
The beginning of an academic year is always a time of expectation and excitement, both for those who are starting out and for those coming back to continue their time. It can also be a time or uncertainty and anxiety. Please be assured of God’s love for you, and of our desire to support you and walk with you.
We hope that everyone will feel welcome here at the Chaplaincy and in the various student Catholic Societies around the colleges. The Church is your home, your family – whatever your nationality, language, ethnicity, age or background; whatever your education or qualifications or career; whatever your politics or personal opinions; whatever your family situation or marital status or sexual orientation; whatever your faith or doubts or questions or struggles. The Chaplaincy is a place where each person can be loved and accepted for who they are; and where each person can grow in the love of God. Let us pray that each one of us – students, university staff, chaplains – can play our part in building a community of love and mercy, and sharing this with others.
With my fellow chaplains, I entrust all the students and staff at the Higher Education Institutions throughout the Diocese to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to the prayers of Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom, and to the intercession of Blessed John Henry Newman our Patron.
Fr Philip Miller
Senior Chaplain