University of West London

    Please contact your Catholic Society President here:

    [email protected]

    Visit your Catholic Society Facebook Page here:

    You nearest Catholic Church is probably (depending on where you live) Ealing Abbey: 

    See the Mass times here:

    7:40am Lauds (Divine Office)
    8:00am (Latin first Sunday of the month)
    9:00am (Mass with music and children’s liturgy of the Word)
    10:15am Family Mass (in Abbey Hall – to suit families with babies
    and small children),
    10:30am  Mass with the monastic community and abbey choir
    12:00 noon (Sung Mass) -12.15 Christmas Day and Easter Sunday
    6:00pm Solemn Vespers followed by Benediction.
    7:00pm (Mass with music group)

    6.00am Matins (Divine Office)
    7.00am Mass with the monastic community
    7.35am Lauds (Divine Office)
    9.00am Terce (Divine Office)
    9.15am Mass (9:00am on Friday’s during term time)
    11.00am Care Mass (Wednesdays) in the Bulbeck Room
    6.00pm Mass
    6.35pm Vespers (Divine Office) – 5.15 on Solemnities
    8.00pm Compline (Divine Office – Night Prayer) (except Mondays and Saturdays)

    6.30am Matins (Divine Office)
    7.00am Mass
    7.35am Lauds (Divine Office)
    9.00am Terce (Divine Office)
    9.15am Mass with the monastic community
    5.30pm Vespers (Divine Office) -5.15 on the eve of special solemnities
    6.00pm Vigil Mass
    7.30pm Vigils of Sunday (Divine Office)

    On Holidays of Obligation Masses are at the usual times with an extra Mass at 8.00pm and a vigil Mass on the evening before at 6.00pm.

    On Ash Wednesday Masses are at the usual times (including Care Mass) with an extra Mass at 8.00 pm. Ashes are distributed at all Masses.