Sandwich Service
A team of volunteers welcomes homeless people in the parish centre. We provide sandwiches, hot and cold drinks and perhaps more importantly an opportunity to chat and relax for a few hours.
On average we welcome over 70 guests on Saturdays between 10.30 -14.30
Maison Pierre Chanel
Parish Centre
16 Leicester Square
London WC2H 7NH
If you would like to volunteer, then contact: Email: [email protected]
Westminster Churches Night Shelter
Each year Notre Dame de France is one of the hosts of Westminster’s Winter Night Shelter. Every Wednesday from February to end of May we will accommodate 15 guests for a night for who would otherwise have to sleep rough. We will provide a three-course dinner, comfortable bed and breakfast. The guests move each night of the week to different venues across Westminster. The night shelter offers a safe, warm and welcoming space.
Have you got some time to spare? We need volunteers for mornings, evenings and overnights to help with cooking, bedding and breakfast preparation. Interested volunteers, please contact: Sr Anne Lata Email: [email protected]