At the present time your college or university does not have a dedicated Catholic Chaplain. However, you are served by the central chaplaincy at Newman House. Please see the information that follows and do come to visit at any time:
Newman House is the central Catholic Chaplaincy for students and staff at all the London universities (within the Diocese of Westminster). It has a chapel and a weekly programme of worship, prayer, faith formation, meals, social activities and volunteering. Special events, such as retreats and pilgrimages, take place throughout the year. You are welcome to visit at any time to meet other students or to meet one of the chaplains.
You can find us at: 111 Gower Street, London WC1E 6AR.
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7387 6370
Email: [email protected]
Please visit our website:
Please visit and like our Facebook page:
Sunday Mass during term time: 10.30am and 7.30pm
Weekday Mass during term time: 5.30pm
Confessions during term time: Sunday & Monday 6-7pm, and by appointment.